The Voice of Fuzion
Imparting Biblical wisdom into every day situations with the hope of transforming lives for Jesus Christ!
Global Announcement
Dear Fuzion Bible Institute Community, We are thrilled to share some exciting updates and developments from Fuzion Bible Institute as we continue to grow and reach the nations for Christ FUZION GLOBAL: As we prepare to open our Student Platform (Fuzion Global) to a...
Holding Pattern
I wanted to take this time to write to a word of encouragement to you. These current events the world is facing reminds me of a time I took a long flight to London. The flight felt as if it took forever. Finally, we were flying over London on our way to Heathrow...
Reflections of 2023
Joel 2:21 “Have no fear, O land; be glad with great joy; for the Lord has done great things.” (BBE)As this year draws to a close and the new year awaits us, we should take a little time to reflect not on those things which did not go our way but rather on the...
7 Reasons to Study with Fuzion
If you call yourself a “Christ-follower” then you need to ask yourself this question. Am I biblically competent and literate? And if you cannot answer that question, let me give you 7 compelling reasons why you should desire to become so. The Lord desires...
Celebrating the Launch of Our First Fuzion Bible Institute Campus in the USA
Dear Beloved Fuzion Family, With heartfelt gratitude and joy, I write to you today from the heart of the Sunshine State in the USA. By God’s grace and provision, we launched a new campus site in Fort Pierce, FL, USA, on September 11th, 2023. Praise be to God...
Embracing Change: A New Look with the Same Feel for Fuzion BibleInstitute
In an ever-evolving world, the importance of adapting and embracing change cannot be overstated. As we stand on the cusp of a new era, Fuzion BibleInstitute has undergone a transformative journey—one that celebrates our global vision and mission while...
The New Season of War
Author – Dr Colin Blom Preparing believers for the Army of God In these ever changing times the church needs to adjust its strategy to meet the challenges we are facing. For too long we have safely and confidently enjoyed our freedoms enclosed in the four walls of our...
The Purifying Fire of God
Author – Dr Colin Blom Understanding the fires of life that we experience. “I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold. They will call on my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘These are...
The Boat & The Storm
We are to take our rest from the place of calm and transplant it into the place of the storm.
Going Thru it to Become It!!!
Remember this that every tunnel has an entrance and an exit. It may seem dark in the tunnel but it’s taking us through the mountain and the exit and the light is not too far away.